Thoughts Things and Places

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Open Garden

Jardin de Domaine de Echoisy

Charente France

Saturday, 12 May 2007

Radio Talk

Radiotalk chat and comment, radio computing, electronics.


Huh Radiotalk! jubiblog went defunct ages ago. It was my first ever blog. You never could contact 'the team' they just deleted my site and all its content without notice. Gee thanks, there were years of memories and hours of typing there.
Given just a little notice I could have moved it to a decent host.

Lycos almost ditched their other hosting but at the last minute it continued and I still have some stuff there.

Peacock Butterfly

A photograph from my garden.

Sunday, 25 February 2007

The Harbour La Chateau

Flat bottom Oyster boats in harbour. La Chateau d Oleron. Cherente Maritime France